Healing with nature

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1 min read

The act of self-love with Rosa canina...

The act of self-love with Rosa canina

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1 min read

'clear your patch'

Practicing mindfulness with nature, clear your patch – preserve your energy, that’s the most valuable thing you have!!

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1 min read

Foraging Nettle...

Nature has our backs! Just as we are moving away from what at least to me feels like a prolonged winter, our bodies are feeling it. For me the best...

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1 min read

House Plants...

Did you know that we spend around 90% of our time inside? Are we therefore potentially missing out on the powerful healing of nature? In my work I...

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My vision..

My vision...

My vision for achieving sustainable wellbeing; the foundation of my design approach My garden designs cultivate a conscious relationship with nature...

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1 min read

Celebrating women - nature deep connection

Celebrating women-nature deep connection! “Frequently women say that the only way in which they can enjoy life a little and not feel so bad over...

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1 min read


Every year, around this time, I get very excited as my favourite flowers are emerging into the world. Yes, you guessed it, the snowdrops! I simply...

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