Private Healing Garden design 

The private garden design process is a journey towards healing and growth




design process  


Introductory workshop

This session lets you decide if my approach is right for you. I introduce you to the ‘Mindful Listening Garden’ to illustrate the process, and you learn a listening technique that is used during the workshop and that you can take away with you. We then focus on a specific theme aligned with the season (relationships, emotions, authenticity or acceptance) to explore how a design could support sustainable wellbeing in your life.

First 1-to-1 consultation 

Our first one to one consultation takes place at your home where we discuss your vision for the garden. Staying open-minded to potential design outcomes at this stage is a key. I will use objects to help expand the conversation and lead you on your self-awareness journey’s next steps.

Deeper consultation 

In 2-3 weeks’ time, we share our reflections on our previous meeting and review any insights. You then immerse yourself in an art activity such as watercolour painting, clay modelling or crafting with your garden in mind to reveal deeper insights to inform the design.

Client brief 

I summarise our discoveries and we agree on design requirements. I then produce a client brief – a formal document that serves as a design requirements guide and conduct a garden survey.

Preliminary design 

I present you with a preliminary design and explain how the design elements reflect sustainable wellbeing specific to you. This is an opportunity for you to provide feedback and request design adjustments. 

Final design 

You receive the final design together with your sustainable wellbeing program and I will end our collaboration with a small garden blessing ceremony.




Private garden design packages start from £855 for a basic design which consists of a scaled Masterplan, perspective drawings, a walk-through-video and your sustainable wellbeing program. For examples, view my portfolio. 

Any additional construction drawings, planting plans or garden enhancements will be charged at the rate of £40/hr. 

Any questions about the process?


Contact me 

pink gold