
My vision...

Written by Mind Nature Studio | Mar 13, 2023 2:46:38 PM

My vision for achieving sustainable wellbeing; the foundation of my design approach

My garden designs cultivate a conscious relationship with nature by including elements that encourage us to become aware of the behaviours or thought patterns that limit us. 

Flowing water can remind us that we are healthiest when we allow ourselves to feel and move through our emotions. The protective warmth of a dry-stone wall at our back can reinforce the importance and comfort of maintaining certain boundaries in our life.

Our growing self-awareness encourages us to make changes and flourish, and the impact of our personal fulfilment and growth in turn ripple out to our families, friends, communities and back to nature – a circular flow that encourages sustainable wellbeing. 

In formulating my designs to achieve sustainable wellbeing, I draw on research and traditions from multiple disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, herbalism and ecology.