
'clear your patch'

Written by Mind Nature Studio | Apr 4, 2023 8:18:19 AM

Practicing mindfulness with nature, clear your patch – preserve your energy, that’s the most valuable thing you have!!

A weed, we often hear people say that a weed is the wrong plant at the wrong place!! This may be true but you have to decide what that means to you. Below I have created a small metaphoric exercise that can help you visualize it. I hope it serves you well.

Finally spring is here. Yesterday I decided to take on the weeding of our veg patch, getting it ready for the growing season. As I was weeding, pulling out the unwanted plants I was struck by how much energy was wasted allowing weeds to grow here.

With every weed I pulled out I regained energy and created a space to grow what serves me. It occurred to me that we can use this simple weeding exercise as a metaphoric visualization of our relationships with people or material things that are unhelpful, and how much of our precious energy gets wasted.

Deciding what to leave in my veg patch and what to get rid of may be easier than applying this in other areas of my life but never the less can serve as a good example when looked at in physical form.

Now my patch is clear I can see how much space I have created to grow in, amount of energy I have preserved, and now able to use when looking after my children, those closest to me and things I love. So this simple visual exercise ‘weed your patch’ can help you start the spring and your new growth season on the right foot. Remember your energy is the most precious thing you have, so choose wisely what you use it for!